The Association of Allied Health Professionals is a democratic organization founded by, and directed by its Members. AAHP’s Constitution and By-Laws set out a structure and administration designed to allow maximum voice for its Members through the Biennial General Meeting, an elected, volunteer Board of Directors and Executive Committee, On-Site Representatives and Committees.
Together, these Members set out policy goals and priorities and oversee AAHP’s operations. The AAHP also employs professional staff to manage AAHP’s day-to-day business, deliver member services and to operationalize AAHP’s goals and priorities set out by the Members.
AAHP’s Constitution and By-Laws set out the fundamental guidelines and principles over which our union is governed. Since they were originally published in 1975, the AAHP Constitution and By-Laws have been amended over the years by our Members at Biennial General Meetings.
A Constitution Committee meets yearly to review the Constitution and By-Laws to identify any gaps or recommended changes in light of the current environment and Member priorities. Any AAHP Member may submit a proposal or a recommended change to the Constitution and By-Laws at any time. However, all Constitutional amendments must be voted on by AAHP Members at the Biennial General Meeting before they can be adopted.
AAHP’s Constitution and By-Laws are available in the Members’ Area.
Biennial General Meeting
The Biennial General Meeting (BGM) is the legitimate source of all authority for the AAHP. The BGM is where AAHP Members have the opportunity to debate and vote on policy priorities and future directions for the AAHP. This can include matters related to budgeting, member services, advocacy and more.
The BGM is held in odd numbered years, usually between April and June. AAHP’s On-site Representatives, Board of Directors and Executive Officers are automatic credentialed delegates. Other credentialed delegates are selected according to the process outlined in AAHP’s Constitution and By-Laws. All members of the Association can participate in the discussion and debate at the BGM. However, only credential delegates are entitled to a vote.
AAHP’s Constitution and By-Laws also allows for Special Meetings to be held when the BGM is not in session for matters that require the voice of the Membership and that cannot be delegated to the Board.
AAHP Members seeking further information about recent and upcoming Biennial General Meetings may be found in the Members’ Area.
AAHP Board of Directors
AAHP has a volunteer, elected Board of Directors who are responsible for overseeing AAHP’s operations and making Union policy between Biennial General Meetings. The Board is comprised of 5 Executive Officers (President, Vice-President Rural, Vice-President Metro, Treasurer and Secretary) and 8 Provincial Directors.
All AAHP Board members serve on a volunteer basis for two-year terms. Board Members do receive time off under AAHP’s Collective Agreement for various meetings and negotiations. Nominations and elections for Board positions are held prior to each Biennial General Meeting. AAHP’s Constitution and By-Laws set out requirements to fill Board vacancies when a Board member vacates their position prior to regular nomination and election periods.
Executive Officers
President: Gordon Piercey, Social Worker
VP – St. John’s Metro: Anne Morgan, Occupational Therapist
VP – Rural: Bonnie Tobin, Speech Language Pathologist
Treasurer: Tanya French, Dietitian
Secretary: Terry Stacey, Occupational Therapist
*as of February 2022
Provincial Director(s)
St. John’s Metro:
Carolyn Jones, Social Worker
Anne Morgan, Occupational Therapist
Kelly Deering, Social Worker
Deborah Blagdon, Respiratory Therapist
Nancy Mitchell, Respiratory Therapist
Avalon Rural: Allison Hussey, Physiotherapist
Burin Peninsula: Karen Evans, Physiotherapist
Clarenville/Bonavista: Leanne Barnes-Chippett, Physiotherapist
Outreach: Susan Morgan, Occupational Therapist
AAHP Members may contact a Board Director or Executive Officer any time with questions, to raise concerns or just to have a chat to learn about the AAHP, about current issues or to bring ideas forward.
The AAHP relies on our Members to help carry out Union business and advance our goals through a number of internal committees. We also participate in a number of committees with employers and community partners.
Your involvement makes a difference! Click here to learn more. Further information about the terms of reference for these committees can be found in the Members’ Area. AAHP members can also submit suggestions or bring forward issues for any of our Committees at any time. Check out our Events for upcoming meeting dates.
Finance Committee (Standing Committee)
- Gordon Piercey, Social Worker (Chair)
- Dawn Walsh, Occupational Therapist
- Linda Griffiths, Occupational Therapist
- Cynthia Murphy, Dietitian
Constitution Committee (Standing Committee)
- Terry Stacey, Occupational Therapist
- Bonnie Tobin, Speech Language Pathologist
- Vacancy
- Vacancy
Nominations and Elections Committee (Standing Committee)
- Ashley Loder, Physiotherapist (Chair)
- Susan Morgan, Occupational Therapist
- Elizabeth Sheppard Hewitt, Social Worker
Education Committee
- Barbara Thomas, Pharmacist (Chair)
- Gordon Piercey, Social Worker
Health Professional Council (Management Committee)
- Gordon Piercey, Social Worker (Chair)
- Dawn Walsh, Occupational Therapist
- Colleen Jones-Down, Physiotherapist
- Tanya French, Dietitian
- Dianne Reardon, Dietitian (Interim)
- Cheryl Bailey, Respiratory Therapist
- Peggy Baker, Social Worker
- Andree MacMillan, Genetic Counsellor
- Jo Anne Mallay-Jones, Speech Language Pathologist
- Jeffrey Rideout, Kinesiologist
- Carrie Vautour, Audiologist
Communications and Public Relations Committee (Management Committee)
- Sue Doyle-Pinsent, Social Worker (Chair)
- Colleen Jones-Down, Physiotherapist
- Linda Griffiths, Occupational Therapist
- Carolyn Jones, Social Worker
- Sherry Lythgoe, Physiotherapist
- Angela Edwards, Physiotherapist
- Terry Stacey, Occupational Therapist
Labour Management Committees
As per our Collective Agreement, AAHP’s On-Site Representatives and Employers’ Management representatives regularly meet to discuss current and emerging issues at sites where our AAHP Members work. Contact your On-Site Representative to raise any concerns or ideas for your local Labour Management Committee.
External Committees/Boards
- Allied Health Network (Gordon Piercey, AAHP Representative)
- Group Insurance Committee (Pamela Toope, AAHP Representative)
- Drug Review Committee
- Healthy Workplace Committee
- Public Service Pension Plan Board (Pamela Toope, AAHP Appointed Director)
- Public Service Pension Plan Sponsorship Body
On-Site Representatives
On-Site Representatives play an essential role within the AAHP and the workplace by advocating for our Members, keeping Members informed of union activities and providing democratic leadership.
If you think you may not be getting paid the right amount, have a concern about safety, have a question about benefits, pension or time off, feel you need to register a complaint about scheduling, workload or working conditions, or just want have a coffee and learn more about the union – your On-Site Representative can help you!
If you are not sure who your On-Site Representative is, you can find them here.
Under the direction of our Board, the AAHP relies on its highly-qualified and experienced staff to successfully manage the Union’s day-to-day business, deliver high quality Member services and carry out the activities needed to help meet AAHP’s goals and priorities as set out by our Members. Some of the key – roles and responsibilities of our staff include:
- Handling classification issues and grievances and – if necessary – defending members’ rights in courts, arbitrations and other legal tribunals;
- Serving as a resource and advocate for our Members in all aspects of their employment relationship with their employers and in responding to workplace issues;
- Acting as spokespersons for our bargaining committees when meeting with the employer to negotiate a new or revised Collective Agreement;
- Helping to ensure employers adhere to the Collective Agreements;
- Developing and implementing business plans to support AAHP’s strategic objectives;
- Providing critical support to our Board and Committees;
- Representing the AAHP on various initiatives, meetings and committees with employers, other unions, government, business, community groups and other partners to advance our goals.
AAHP Members may contact AAHP staff at any time with questions, to raise concerns or just to have a chat to learn about the AAHP, about current issues or to bring ideas forward.